8x2 Character LCD - Black Bezel (Parallel Interface)

via Pololu
SKU PL-356


This little 8-character, 2-line parallel liquid crystal display is a generic equivalent of the Optrex DMC-50448N-AAE-AD LCD. It is incorporated into our Orangutan SV-328 robot controllers, some versions of our A-Star 32U4 Prime microcontroller boards, and our Zumo 32U4 and 3pi robots. It uses the common HD44780 interface, so sample interface code is widely available for a variety of microcontrollers. This is the smallest package we know of for this familiar interface.

You can find sample HD44780 LCD interface code written for a variety of AVR microcontrollers as part of the Pololu AVR library.

Pin Symbol Function
1 Vss ground (0 V)
2 Vdd 5 V logic supply voltage
3 Vo contrast adjustment
4 RS H/L register select signal
5 R/W H/L read/write signal
6 E H/L enable signal
7-14 DB0 – DB7 H/L data bus for 4- or 8-bit mode

Note: some of our pictures show pins soldered to the LCD PCB, but this item ships without pins (the pads are standard 0.1″ spacing), connectors, or cables.