Autoreset GPIO18 pin connected to Arduino Reset line allowing to program Arduino straight from Pi Uart (new in V.1.1)
New switch connected to Raspberry PI GPIO17 pin, for example to shutdown PI (New in V1.1)
- Power the Arduino side with Raspberry power or with external power.
- Selectable Arduino side power with 5V or 3.3V
- FTDI cable connector to be able to program Arduino independently leaving RX/TX of arduino and Raspberry free.
- ICSP connector.
- Power level shifter between Pi side and Arduino side for I2C, SPI, Serial, and all Raspberry Pi GPIO pins
- Raspberry Pi board Revision 2 with four new GPIO
- I2C Bus available from Arduino and/or Raspberry Pi
- I2C to 1-Wire controller on the board providing fully OWFS (or other) support for Raspberry Pi or Arduino with dedicated library
- Feature to connect I2C between Arduino And Raspberry Pi (Arduino will become a I2C slave from Raspberry Pi)
- Feature to connect SPI between Arduino and Raspberry Pi (Arduino will become a SPI slave from Raspberry)
- Feature to connect the Arduino UART to Raspberry Pi Serial to do communication
- Availability to use the French dedicated Téléinformation monitoring electricity signal issued from the main power meter to Arduino or Raspberry Pi (using serial RX)
- Grove connector on board for I2C and Serial connection for Raspberry and Arduino
- Sized place to plug aAdafruit I2C or SPI Oled breakout board that can be driven by Arduino or Raspberry Pi in SPI or I2C
- Sized place to plug a NRF24L01 Wireless breakout board. In the near future, some breakout board fitting this format will be available for RFM12B RFM69W, SD card and SPI flash memory. This will let you use the majority of RF module used today
- Sized place for 3 x 1-Wire devices on board.
- Sized place for using PWM devices (switchable with on board power or external power)
- Two free pins available on level shifter chip, this mean that is you have a device that need level conversion between 3V3 and 5V in both way, you have two pins left for this.
- ArduiPi description and presentation
- ArduiPi schematics
- ArduiPi github repository
- ArduiPi protocol between Raspberry and Arduino
- Sample of driving OLED LCD
- ArduiPi test board used to test the ArduiPi board
- Using NRF24L01 connector of ArduiPi to use RFM12B tranceiver
- ArduiPi Getting Started Guide