Bare Conductive Pi Cap

via SparkFun
SKU SF-DEV-14065

This is the Bare Conductive Pi Cap, a small, shield-like device that adds precise capacitive touch, distance sensing and high-quality audio to your Raspberry Pi A+, B+, Zero and later (any Raspberry Pi with a 40-pin GPIO connector). Connect Electric Paint or anything conductive to one of the 12 electrodes to control sounds, video and more. Connecting the physical world to the digital world is easy with Bare Conductive’s fully featured libraries and extensive online tutorials.

The Pi Cap software is in the official Raspbian repository, so installing all the software you need is as easy as Pi. This also means you’ll get updates through apt-get, just as you do with the core Raspberry Pi packages.

Dimensions: 85mm x 40mm x 7mm


  • High-quality audio output
  • Extensive tutorials and easy startup experience
  • Powerful Python and C++ libraries so you can include sensors in your project
  • User-programmable RGB LED and multifunction button
  • Prototyping area with GPIO breakout to add additional sensors or buttons
  • Works with Raspberry Pi A+, B+, Zero and later (any Raspberry Pi with a 40-pin GPIO connector)
