BLE-Shield based on Bluegiga's BLE112 Module

SKU SS-103990026
The Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Shield for Arduino is a Shield that enables Arduino projects to communicate with Bluetooth Smart enabled devices such as iPhones, iPads and iPods without Jailbreaking.
Simply attach the BLE Shield to an Arduino and read and write data from and to an Arduino using the serial port. The serial port can be the hardware Serial on pins 0 and 1 or a software serial port on pins 2 and 3. The selection is done using the switch S1 on the BLE-Shield.
  • Based on Bluegiga's BLE112 Bluetooth 4.0 single mode compliant module
  • Open Source Hard- and Firmware and iPhone App
  • No library necessary to operate the Shield with an Arduino which makes it compatible with most Arduino Shield ready platforms
  • Compatible with iOS devices such as: iPhone4S, iPhone5, iPad 3rd gen, iPad 4th gen, iPad Mini, iPod Touch 5th gen
  • Compatible Arduino's and Arduino Clones: Arduino Uno, Arduino Duemilanove, Arduino Decimilia,Freetronics Eleven, Seeeduino v3.0
  • Compatible with Netduino2 (using COM1 and COM2)
  • Baudrate 19.200
  • Configurable UART Pins 0/1 (Hardware Serial), 2/3 (Software Serial)
  • 16 byte receive buffer, which must be filled up using the Arduino before the buffer is written to the GATT.
BLExplr, which is an iOS App by Dr. Michael Kroll to Scan for BLE peripherals, discover their services and characteristics and even read and write to them is available at the Apple App Store. BLExplr can be purchased from the following link.
The Schematic, Boardfiles, Firmware Sources and the iPhone App sources are available on Dr. Michael Kroll's github repository which can be accessed using the following URL.
Please visit Dr. Michael Kroll's BLE-Shield Blog pages or Dr. Michael Kroll's Mobile Computing Forum for details about the BLE-Shield.