BLEBee v1.0.0

SKU SS-113990050
New version available: Bluetooth Bee v2.0
The BLEBee is a Bluetooth Smart enabled XBEE form factor module based on BlueGiga’s BLE112 module. The BLEBee can be used in hardware setups, where normally an XBEE module is used. Using a BLEBee an XBee socket enabled embedded system can communicate with desktop computers, smartphones, table computers and even other embedded systems providing Bluetooth Smart aka Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) or Bluetooth 4.0.
  • Based on Bluegiga’s BLE112 Bluetooth 4.0 single mode compliant module
  • Open Source Hardware- and Firmware
  • No Library necessary to operate the module on the target platform
  • Compatible with BLE enabled smartphones and tables such as iPhone4s, iPhone5, Phone5s, iPad3, iPad Mini, iPad Air
  • Baudrates 9600 (default), 14400, 19200, 28800 and 38400 can be changed using a characteristic
  • Assoc pin is controlled by the BLEBee to indicate a connection
  • Reset pin can be used to reset the BLEBee
  • 4 Ouput pins available which can be controlled by a characteristic
iPhone App:
In order to access the features of the BLEBee such as controlling baud rate, the connection LED, the output channels and the serial port the iPhone App BLExplr is recommended:
The Schematic, Boardfiles and Firmware sources and Arduino FIO sketches are available at the authors github repository available at:
A detailed description about the services and characteristics can be found at the authors BLEBee Blog Pages:
Please visit the authors BLEBee Blog pages :
 or Dr. Michael Kroll’s Mobile Computing Forum at about the BLEBee.