BrickPi Advanced

SKU SS-102990015
The BrickPi System - “The BrickPi turns your Raspberry Pi into a robot. The system is a board and case that connects LEGO® Mindstorms Sensors, motors, and parts to turn your credit card size computer into a LEGO robot. The BrickPi allows you to connect up to 4 NXT Motors and 5 Sensors. It has a 9V battery power source that powers the motors, sensors, and Raspberry Pi, un-tethering the Pi from the wall. Finally, it has a sturdy case with holes that snap with LEGO parts. The brains of a Raspberry Pi joined with the LEGO building system.”
BrickPi Advanced Power Module
The BrickPi is a module that communicates between LEGO sensors, motors and the Raspberry Pi. The Advanced Power option doubles the life of your batteries. This package includes the BrickPi Board and a sturdy acrylic case for attaching LEGO components, motors, and sensors.
To get started with the BrickPi, please see our Getting Started Page.  We have a step-by-step guide and videos to help you get started with building LEGO robots right away.
Programming the BrickPi
The BrickPi can be programmed in Python, C, and Scratch.  You can find information on using all three languages, including examples and drivers, on our github site here:
We have a number of projects for the BrickPi setup to demonstrate its use.  The BrickPi is easy to integrate with the web, and many of our projects demonstrate how to control your robot with web-pages, the SSH, Twitter, and other web services.  Our projects include detailed Bill of Materials on the LEGO parts you will need to use, as well as programs to run them.  Please see our Projects Section.
The BrickPi controls LEGO motors and sensors, as well as the new EV3 motors.  The BrickPi is controlled by the Raspberry Pi.  The BrickPi is powered by a 9V-12V battery pack, which supplies power to the Raspberry Pi, the BrickPi and LEGO sensors.  A functional diagram is shown below.
Our project is completely open source.  You can see design files and other details on the firmware design on our Github site here:
Have some questions about the BrickPi that aren’t answered here?  We have a dedicated forum to answer your questions on the BrickPi here: