Danger Shield 1.0 PCB

This is from ZachHoeken's design, requested by a few people. So we are stocking here as part of the open source PCBs.


"The Danger Shield is an add-on for the Arduino micro controller board. It contains a variety of fun and useful electronic circuits that you can use to do fun and useful things. It is a fully self-contained shield. You plug it into your Arduino, and you can immediately start using it. No extra things to hook up, no external components. Just a really rad board ready to rock.

What is it for? Whatever you want to do with it!"

From http://www.zachhoeken.com/danger-shield-v1-0


Please visit Seeed Studio's wiki page for more info about this product. It will be appreciated if  you can help us improve the documents, add more demo code or tutorials. For technical support, please post your questions to our forum.