Flashlight for Glass - Voice-Controlled Flashlight

via Adafruit
SKU AF-1848

Face the future with handy illumination. We're proud to carry the first hardware accessory for the Google Glass! Why stick with plain old face-wearable technology when you could accessorize? Flashlight for Glass is a voice-controlled Glass-mounted flashlight. After installing the XE16-compatible APK program you can control your Flashlight at any time by saying "OK Glass Toggle Flashlight". Tested with the latest 17.2 OS.

Requires XE16+ firmware on your Glass so let it over-the-air upgrade before installing. No rooting/jailbreaking required. Check out our step-by-step tutorial for installation steps, source code, hardware diagrams and more Designed by Deqing at thinkcreate

Glass is a trademark of Google Inc.