Gesture R "Shield"

SKU SS-101990070
GestureR is a single tiny module that includes Gesture Sensing, Proximity Sensing, and Ambient Light Sensing, they brings you to your DIY devices, with one of the latest technologies in advanced smartphones !

GestureR is the first gesture sensing shield you can find in the market, it is tiny ; inexpensive and user-friendly!

KickStarter URL 


  •  Size around 54 x 53 mm
  •  Pin Configuration compatible to Arduino UNO and Leonardo
  •  I2C PWM LED Driver.
  •  1 Bright RGB LED and 12 Purple LEDs ease of use and demonstration.
  •  2-channel DIP Switch to use for mode changing or any other purposes. 

We also have Gesture R “bread” and Gesture R "Tiny", please click to check.


GestureR can communicate with any Arduino Host or other microcontrollers through I2C interface. Sample codes for most of the useful functions in Arduino format are available.


Gesture Sensing:

GestureR can distinguish your gesture in 4 directions in 3 different speeds.

Proximity Sensing:

GestureR can sense the distance of an object up to 10cm from the sensor.


Ambient Light Sensing: 

GestureR can measure three level of ambient light.



Gesture controlled control products such as AC Power; Appliance and lighting control. 

  • GestureR + Relay Shields = Touchless Power Switch
  • GestureR + IR Controller Shields = Smart Remote
  • GestureR + LED Panel Shields = Smart Lamp

Controller in hygiene environments


Specification of Gesture Sensor:


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