GPS Module - .NET Gadgeteer Compatible

SKU SS-109120000
DISCONTINUED: This product has been discontinued, the page is available for reference and documentation.
GPS module for Gadgeteer.  This module includes a U-Blox Neo-6M GPS module and a simple patch antenna connected via a U.FI connector.  The processor can communicate with this module via serial port.
Requires socket Type U.
  • Gadgeteer socket type U
  • 1 to 5Hz update frequency
  • Supports NMEA and U-Blox 6 protocols
  • Configurable communication baud rates, from 4800 to 115200 external interrupt support
External Links
you need to download the following software to start your Gadgeteer:
  1. Development tool : Microsoft Visual C# Express 2010
  2. Micro framework:  Microsoft .NET Micro Framework 4.1 SDK
  3. The Gadgeteer core, mainboard SDk and module driver(GHI)
You can download these tools at :