Grove Starter kit for BeagleBone Green

SKU SS-110060131
BeagleBone Green (BBG)

The starter kit for you to hook up quickly with the new BeagleBone Green (BBG). It contains 10 Grove modules and we provide 3 step-by-step projects for you to get started quickly with all modules.

The new BeagleBone Green (BBG) is a joint effort by and SeeedStudio. It has included 2 Grove connectors, making it easier to connect to the large family of Grove sensors.

Part List
Cool Demos
BeagleBone Green (BBG)

Remote Temperature Monitor

A remote temperature monitor made with BeagleBone Green (BBG) and Groves. You can upload the data to and view the data on in real time. Check our Recipe to learn more.

BeagleBone Green (BBG)

Smart Table Lamp

A Smart table lamp can be controlled through the button, the sound and the web browser. It was made with BeagleBone Green (BBG), Grove – Relay, Grove – I2C ADC, Grove – I2C Hub, Grove – Sound and Grove – Button. Check our Recipe to learn more.


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