- Featured on Engadget, Wired, the New York Times, MAKE, Kickstarter,Staff Pick, and more
- Raised over $168,000 in a 30-day Kickstarter campaign in May 2012
- Blue acrylic laser-cut pieces (1 extra set of legs)
- 20 servos (18 for legs, 1 for eyes, 1 extra)
- 1 ultrasonic distance sensor eyes
- 1 Arduino-based Servotor32 robot controller capable of controlling up
- to 32 servos
- All the screws and nuts needed to assemble the kit, with extras
- Extra set of carbon gear servo replacements
- Bluetooth module that plugs straight into the Servotor32 robot controller
- Dimensions - boxed kit: 8in x 8in x 4in
- Dimensions - assembled: 1ft x 7in (reflects stationary pose; height is variable depending on pose)
- Weight: 3lbs
- Carrying weight limit: 3lbs
- Operating systems: Windows, OSX, or Linux
- Manufacturing standards: RoHS
- Detailed Hexy product description: http://arcbotics.com/products/hexy/
- Guide to getting started with Hexy:http://arcbotics.com/products/hexy/start/