Introduction to Micro:bit with Nick - Workshop 23rd of FEB 2019

Introduction to Micro:bit with Nick 
Saturday 23rd of FEB 2019 
Nuvotion HQ, 45 Trade Place, Coburg North, Victoria 3058
Google Maps
Tickets available
10 Seats

Teachers, Parents and Technology Enthusiasts
Tea and coffee provided, BYO lunch kitchenette and microwave available for use.
Workshop Brief 

The "Little Bird Electronics - Introduction to Micro:bit" workshop is specifically designed for you, by our technical support team. 

In the the workshop, you will be introduced to the Micro:bit with no prior knowledge of the device required. Just bring yourself and your laptop and we will take it from there!

By the end of the day, you will:

  • Be able to identify the Micro:bit's various features
    • Know how to use the Micro:bit's LEDs, buttons, accelerometer, compass, and onboard radio chip
    • See what the Micro:bit can do with other external components such as a joystick module or temperature and humidity sensor
    • Know how to load simple programs onto the Micro:bit by using the MakeCode editor
    • Make something with the Micro:bit!

Complete this one-day workshop and you will be on your way to building musical instruments, digital games, alarms and much more!

You will get to keep a BBC micro:bit and the 24 project kit