Renbotics Servo Shield Rev 1.1

SKU SS-110090001
The Renbotics ServoShield is an Arduino-compatible shield that uses two 4017 decade counters to drive up to 16 servos using only 4 pins (digital pins 6 to 9) and as little as one 8bit timer (Timer 2) in standard mode or two 16/8bit timers (Timer 1 and Timer 2 for Duemilanove or Timer 3 for Mega) in high accuracy mode. It also includes a 196 point breadboard style prototyping area.
  • 16 Servo Channels
  • Convenient screw terminal for servo power supply
  • 196 Point breadboard style prototyping area
  • Compatible with Arduino Duemilanove and Arduino Mega
  • Easy to use API
  • Robotics
  • Animatronics
  • Mechatronics Art

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