The MagPi - Issue 14

via Adafruit
SKU AF-1704

Welcome to issue 14 of The MagPi - the premier Raspberry Pi magazine for beginners, experts, Pi-fanatics and the merely Pi-curious.

This month The MagPi begins their journey in introducing the newest module in the Raspberry Pi world, the camera, with a great guide written by James Hughes on setup and basic operation. The conclusion of this article will be found in next month’s edition where James builds on these foundations with hints and tips on advanced usage.

Issue 14 reloads the Matrix with part two of the interesting Pi Matrix article, takes a look at the Guzunty board and reviews the ever popular South West Raspberry Pi Boot Camps.

This month also brings you more on the programming languages Charm, Scratch and Python plus the first MagPi article on the popular language, Java.



About The MagPi - from The MagPi themselves!

What we make
We produce a magazine with the intent to help and offer advice to users of the Raspberry Pi. This started out as a simple idea on the well known forums, with a few of us getting together and deciding on a loose outline of what we wanted to achieve.

Over time many have joined and left the team, each bringing their own contribution and ideas to the final piece.

If you had asked us six months ago whether we thought the magazine would be half a year down the line, we would not have been sure. We are now able to offer printed copies, competitions, our own branded Raspberry Pi case, and stable mirrors on a website not entirely made in flash.

Where does the money go?
There are certain administrative costs that go toward producing a reliable magazine, and printing magazines is certainly not free. We get a small amount of money from every copy sold – and this, along with donations and advertising revenue, goes towards funding the entire production team. We also hope to be able to offer more competitions, and better product testing.

You can help
Any donation is very gratefully received. However, you don’t have to put money into this to help us along – time is also one of our limiting factors. If you think you can be of any use in the general production, drop us an email.

The future
We had no idea how successful the magazine would be. Give us another six months, and there should be some real progress made. We are forever receiving requests for more formats, and this is definitely something we are looking into. Translations to other languages would be another great step.