The TI MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad is an easy-to-use flash programmer and debugging tool for the MSP430G2xx Value Line microcontrollers. It features everything you need to start developing on an MSP430 microcontroller device. It has on-board emulation for programming and debugging and features a 14/20-pin DIP socket, on-board buttons and LEDs & BoosterPack-compatible pinouts that support a wide range of plug-in modules for added functionality such as wireless, displays & more.
The MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad also comes with 2 MSP430 device, with up to 16kB Flash, 512B RAM, 16MHz CPU speed and integrated peripherals such as 8ch 10-bit ADC, timers, serial communication (UART, I2C & SPI) & more!
Free software development tools are also available, such as TI’s Eclipse-based Code Composer Studio. Open Source development is also available thanks to community-driven projects, a branch of the popular Wiring framework.IAR Embedded WorkbenchMSPGCC compilerEnergia.
Explore more functions and possibilities for LaunchPad with Grove Starter Kit for LaunchPad. Blink LEDs, digital displays, temperature & humidity sensors, moisture sensor all are included in the kit.
Find more info about LaunchPad, the supported BoosterPacks & available resources at our LaunchPad portal page! Also be sure to visit our LaunchPad wiki.
Get started with the LaunchPad Book published by Elsevier.
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