Makedo Toolset 360

via Makedo
SKU MD-20008

This product is discontinued.  The new versions are:

Makedo INVENT Kit 366 parts


A group kit of cardboard construction tools for many hands to make light work.

For libraries, workshops, birthday parties, maker spaces, design studios and delightfully ambitious home projects.   

share the world of playful cardboard construction

  • 360 reusable parts
  • 12 to 24 makers
  • run small group projects
  • recycle and reuse!

Kit Includes:

  • 225 makedo scrus
  • 100 XL makedo scrus
  • 10 Mini-Tools
  • 10 Scrudrivers
  • 10 Safe-Saws

These re-usable scrus can be used to connect cardboard of various thicknesses together.  At Little Bird we have been using these Scrus since they first appeared on the market!  Some of our favourite projects have been Mr Makedo - a robot who had a servo arm that could wave up and down.  The Little Bird Logo at 2018 Edutech and our sign at work!

They are great in Education for Prototyping ideas and creating engineering project.  We have seen project where a team creates a 'boat' using boxes and scrus and how long they can withstand a catapult onslaught. Also gripper arms,  build-your-own fort or weight bearing bridges.

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