Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04 Distance Sensor


The SunFounder HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Ranging module includes an ultrasonic transmitter, receiver and circuits. It has 4 pins: VCC, TRIG, ECHO and GND. The anti-reverse pin header onside makes it easy to connect and apply. 
As for the ranging principle, it is quite simple to understand: pull up the pin Trig to High thus providing high level signals of at least 10us, so the module starts to detect and measure the distance; if an object is detected, the ECHO pin will be High, and the duration of it being High depends on the distance detected, thus giving the distance calculation formula: Distance = Duration of High ECHO * Speed of sound (340m/s)/2. 
For more details, visit WIKI.

Operating voltage: 5V
Working current: 16mA.
Weight: 90g;
Dimensions: 46 x 20.5 x 19.5 mm (thickness of anti-reverse pin socket included)

Component List
2 x HC-SR04
2 x 4-Pin anti-reverse cable