mBot-S Explorer Kits is an upgraded kit of the makeblock star product mBot. It includes the original parts of the classic kit and further allows children to customize its LED dot-matrix screen.As an educational and entertaining robot of makeblock, mBot-S is quite easy to get started with, which makes it a perfect tool that helps beginners with their STEAM learning (science, technology, engineering, art and maths). Children can build robots into different shapes and learn how to program with the graphical programming software provided by makeblock. In the process, children get hands-on experiences of how fascinating the world of mechanics, electronics, controlling systems and computer science can be.
• The LED matrix display is versatile because children can program to customize the expressions, texts and weather reports on it.
• Parts and components are standardized and user-friendly. Children can build their robots simply with a screwdriver.
• The graphical programming is easy enough for children to create as they want and control the robots to play games, like obstacles avoidance and line-following.